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UTM support in AM9 files / more than 9 points in the file ??

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Anmeldedatum: 26.06.2009
Beiträge: 2

BeitragVerfasst am: 13.07.2009, 09:02    Titel: UTM support in AM9 files / more than 9 points in the file ?? Antworten mit Zitat


I would like to scan my Italian Tabacco maps and use them on my mobile phone with apemap. I followed the procedure explained in


which seems to work well.

On these maps there is already a grid with the UTM coordinates (Europe 1950, zone 33). Can I use these coordinates in the AM9 file ? (because then I just need to write down the pixel coordinates of the grid...)

Can I use more than 9 points in the file ? Is this leading to any accuracy improvement ?

Thanks for the help !

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